Qohelet is widely available in bookstores, or from the sources below:
Baylor University Press. The book may be purchased directly from Baylor, with a 30% discount , by clicking on the link and entering discount code 17qohelet throughout 2025.
Barnes&Noble. The book is eligible for free shipping.
See the short review of the book in the Society for Old Testament Studies (SOTS) Book List for 2024.
See the Times of Israel article about the book (October 18, 2024), based on an interview with Menachem and me.
Enjoy the glowing review of Qohelet: Searching for a Life Worth Living published in April 2024 in the important journal, Literature and Theology, published by Oxford.
Moment Magazine’s Opinion and Book Editor wrote an insightful review in their April 2024 edition.
The Bible Today July 2024 issue urges readers who find Qohelet/Ecclesiastes “depressing and frustrating” to read our “stunningly beautiful” book to enjoy a fresh approach.
The Journal for the Study of the Old Testament review in the June 2024 issue highlights the balanced contributions of both the philosophical analysis and interpretive artwork.
Menachem Fisch and I have recently our international lecture tour of major universities across the US, UK, Europe and Israel, including Princeton, HUC New York, the Jewish Theological Seminary, Yale, Towson University, University of Chicago, Notre Dame, Baylor University, the Library of Congress, Brandeis, Harvard, Tel Aviv University, Cambridge University, the Courtauld Institute at Kings College London, the Goethe University, Frankfurt and Tel Aviv University, as well as academic conferences and a number of synagogue scholar-in-residence programs across the US, UK and Europe. More programs, largely Zoom presentations are planned. Contact me if you are interested in planning an event at your institution.
Enjoy these recordings of some of our presentations!
Click here to view the video from our November 1, 2023 program at the Martin Marty Center for the Public Understanding of Religion at the University of Chicago. The program included a particularly lively and probing discussion of the work by scholars at the University of Chicago. You may also enjoy the online exhibit that the Center is hosting.
Click here to view the video from our November 15, 2023 presentation at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
Click here to view the video from our October 18, 2023 presentation at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. Enjoy!
The Currents in Religion Podcast, based at Baylor University, interviewed Menachem and me, and has posted our terrific discussion. The link at the beginning of this line lists a variety of sources for the podcast, and you can also find it at Apple Podcasts.
The popular website 929, a Bible study, arts and interpretation website that created a phenomenon across Israel and the English-speaking world, featured images and commentaries from Qohelet: Searching for a Life Worth Living during autumn of 2021. Please click here to see the collection of my images and commentaries on the 929 site.
You may also enjoy articles about my work, featuring the Qohelet book, in Lilith Magazine (December 2023) and Washington Jewish Week in February 2023.
The Exhibit!
After showings at the Heller Museum at HUC in New York and Duke University Divinity School, the traveling exhibit of the artwork is presently at the Duke University Divinity School with more exhibits planned through 2025; more information about future exhibits will be available here closer to the events. Please contact me, Debra Band, for more information, or if your institution is interested in hosting either a lecture or exhibit. We are grateful to Sharon and Steven Lieberman for their generous support of this project.